Resource Library

1 Reg - Lesson 8

1st Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery

8 lesson Competition Training Package

Lesson length : 1hour

Lesson 8:

Safety / Warm Up Soll Drills
- Revise -  (select 3-4 drills to revise and use as a warm up)
Backward Breakfall, Forward BreakfallSide Breakfall
Forward RollForward Shoulder RollBackward Shoulder Roll
Hip Escape BackwardHip Escape ForwardLeg Swing Escape
Technical Stand UpSprinters Stand UpSit Up to Combat Base Stand Up

Foot Sweep

Takedown Drill - Standing

Position Escapes
Side Control - Leg Swing Escape
North South - Leg Swing Escape
Back Grab Bottom - Turn In Escape

Wall Tactics
Wall Pinning Positions
Wall Takedown Set Ups
Wall Defence Bump & Frame
Wall Mount Escape

Competition Rules Review
Quick breakdown of Competition Rules and methods of winning

Question & Answer Time
Soldiers will be given time to ask questions about specific techniques, tactics or solutions they require greater depth of understanding in.

Live Roll starting on Knees


Safety / Warm Up Solo Drills

Backward Break Fall 


Forward Break Fall


Side Break Fall


Forward Roll


Forward Shoulder Roll


Backward Shoulder Roll


Hip Escape Backward


Hip Escape Forward


Leg Swing Escape


Technical Stand Up


Sprinters Stand Up


Sit Up to Combat Base Stand Up




Foot Sweep



Position Escapes

Side Control - Leg Swing Escape


North South - Leg Swing Escape


Back Grab Bottom - Turn In Escape




Wall Tactics

Wall Pinning Positions


Wall Takedown Set Ups


Wall Defence Bump & Frame


Wall Mount Escape


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