Resource Library

1 Reg - Lesson 1

1st Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery

8 lesson Competition Training Package

Lesson length : 1hour

Lesson 1:

Safety / Warm Up Soll Drills
Backward Breakfall
Forward Breakfall
Side Breakfall

Basic Standing Wrestling Stance
Basic Standing Wrestler Grip (Collar & Elbow)

Position Transitions
Side Control to Kuzure Kesa Gatame
Kuzure Kesa Gatame to North South
North South to Mune Gatame
Mune Gatame to Knee Ride
Knee Ride to Mount

Mount Escape – Bridge & Roll to Closed Guard
Posture in Guard, to Break Guard Open & Stand Up



Safety / Warm Up Solo Drills

Backward Break Fall 

  • Start with feet apart, Arms crossed to your shoulders
  • Squat back low towards the floor
  • Rock backwards, curving your back as you rock
  • Keep your head tucked in to avoid contact on the floor
  • Slap the ground with your palms and arms just before your shoulder blades make contact with the ground
  • Arms should be out at 45o, hands in line with your belt
  • Let your hips rise off the floor when you break fall.


Forward Break Fall

  • Start in a standing position feet apart
  • Face your palms forward
  • Forearms at a 45-degree angle
  • Fall forward and turn your head to the side
  • Land on your hands and forearms
  • Do not let your knees or stomach touch the ground

The Forward Break Fall is essential to learn to prevent injury from falling face first onto the ground. Ensure that you have a strong body when your palms and forearms impact on the ground.


Side Break Fall

  • Start standing
  • Bring your leg and same side arm out to the side
  • Squat down towards the floor
  • Rock sideways, curving your back as you rock
  • Keep your head tucked in to avoid contact on the floor
  • Slap the ground with your palm and arms just before your shoulder blade make contact with the ground
  • Arms should be out at 45o, hands in line with your belt
  • Let your hips rise off the floor
  • As your legs return to the floor, ensure your straight leg remains straight
  • ensure your bent leg remains bent
  • Do not let your legs cross each other
  • Slap the floor again with your arm as your straight leg slaps the ground and the ball of your foot on your bent leg hits the ground.




Basic Standing Wrestling Stance


Basic Standing Wrestling Grip



Position Transitions

Side Control to Kuzure Kesa Gatame


Kuzure Kesa Gatame to North South


North South to Mune Gatame


Mune Gatame to Knee Ride


Knee Ride to Mount




Mount Escape – Bridge & Roll to Closed Guard


Posture in Guard, to Break Guard Open & Stand Up

  • Walk your hands back and posture while held in guard
  • Put your knee in the middle of their tailbone, push their hips down and lean back, this will create leverage helping break open the guard
  • When this opens the Guard stand up and slide your hands down to hold your partner’s knees

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