Resource Library

1 Reg - Lesson 3

1st Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery

8 lesson Competition Training Package

Lesson length : 1hour

Lesson 3:

Safety / Warm Up Soll Drills
- Revise - 
Backward Breakfall
Forward Breakfall
Side Breakfall
Forward Roll
Forward Shoulder Roll
Backward Shoulder Roll

- Teach - 
Hip Escape Backward
Hip Escape Forward
Leg Swing Escape

 - Revise -
Basic Standing Wrestling Stance
Basic Standing Wrestler Grip (Collar & Elbow)
Duck Under

- Teach - 
Arm Drag

Position Transitions
- Revise -
Side Control to Kuzure Kesa Gatame
Kuzure Kesa Gatame to North South
North South to Mune Gatame
Mune Gatame to Knee Ride
Mount to Back Mount

- Revise -
Posture in Guard, to Break Guard Open & Stand Up

- Teach - 
Closed Guard - Stand Up from Holding Guard
Closed Guard - Scissor Sweep
Closed Guard - Sit Up Sweep

Guillotine - from Closed Guard
Kimura - from Closed Guard


Safety / Warm Up Solo Drills

Backward Break Fall 


Forward Break Fall


Side Break Fall


Forward Roll


Forward Shoulder Roll


Backward Shoulder Roll


Hip Escape Backward


Hip Escape Forward


Leg Swing Escape




Basic Standing Wrestling Stance


Basic Standing Wrestling Grip


Duck Under


Arm Drag



Position Transitions

Side Control to Kuzure Kesa Gatame


Kuzure Kesa Gatame to North South


North South to Mune Gatame


Mune Gatame to Knee Ride


Knee Ride to Mount


Mount to Back Mount




Posture in Guard, to Break Guard Open & Stand Up


Closed Guard - Stand Up from Holding Guard


Closed Guard - Scissor Sweep


Closed Guard - Sit Up Sweep




Guillotine - from Closed Guard


Kimura - from Closed Guard


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