Resource Library

MT - Basic Footwork (2)

Step Forward

  • Start in a correct Guarding Stance
  • Keep your hands on your face while stepping
  • Keep your head the same height off the ground
  • Step first with your lead leg
  • Then step up the same distance with the rear leg
  • When stepping always increase the size of your stance during the transition and conclude the step in normal stance.
  • Keep your eyes forward and do not look at your feet

A Step Forward is utilised to gain ground on your opponent if they are out of range, or to force them back if they are in range. Students should always practice executing techniques both in a stationary stance as well as whilst stepping. This is the footwork you are expected to perform whilst moving forwards. Do not shorten your stance and do not cross your legs over while moving.



Step Backward

  • Start in a correct Guarding Stance
  • Keep your hands on your face while stepping
  • Keep your head the same height off the ground
  • Step first with your rear leg backwards
  • Then step back the same distance with the front leg
  • When stepping always increase the size of your stance during the transition and conclude the step in normal stance.
  • Keep your eyes forward and do not look at your feet

A Step Backward is utilised to give ground to your opponent if they are in range to increase the distance, or out of range to force them to advance towards you. Students should always practice executing techniques both in a stationary stance as well as whilst stepping. This is the footwork you are expected to perform whilst moving backwards. Do not shorten your stance and do not cross your legs over while moving.

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