Resource Library

JD - 1st - Life Skill / Character Development


Do you know what 000 means?
It means there's an emergency.

Do you know what an emergency is?
It is when something dangerous has or is happening.

The phone number "000" is what you would dial when something really bad has happened to you or someone around you. It is important to know when something really bad requires an emergency person to come.

Do you know who the emergency people are?
There's a Police Officer that comes to help if someone tries to; take you away or hurt you or someone you know really bad.
There's a Fireman who will come if there is a bad fire.
There's an Ambulance Officer who comes if you or someone around you is hurt really bad.

Let's see if you know which of the following situations would require you to call 000

  • Would you call is a bully pushes you?
  • Would you call if a stranger knocks on the door and tries to grab you?
  • Would you call if your friend falls off their bike and cuts their elbow?
  • Would you call if a car hits your friend?
  • Would you call if your Mum burns her finger?
  • Would you call if there was a big fire in the kitchen?

Does anybody know what to do when you call 000?
You need to tell them your name, where you are, and what the emergency is.

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