Resource Library

JD - 1st - Grading Requirements (White Belt / Yellow Stripe)


30 Star Jumps
10 Push Ups on Knees
20 Arm Swing Sit Ups
10 Back Exercises
10 Level Changes
Warm Up Stretch Routine


COORDINATION (both stances)

Jab (lead hand punch)
Groin Kick (lead leg)
High Cover (defence)
Switch (stance change)



Defence Drill



Be able to line up with partners
Use Focus Mitts with partners



Jab 5 moving targets



Stand on one leg for 10 seconds



Guarding Stance
Backward Breakfall from sitting



Turtle Position


Cool Down Stretch Routine





After your Junior Dragon has completed all the prerequisites, and received all 8 tags on their belt, it is now important to receive their instructor's permission to grade. There may still be aspects outside of the eight tags that they need to complete or become competent with.

Please also remember that even though their instructor has tried their upmost to prepare your Junior Dragon for their grading, in the end it is up to them to earn their next rank. Without effort, determination, dedication and desire, students will struggle in their grading and their next belt may elude them.

However if they strive their hardest and train with constant improvement in mind, by the time they grade they will take their next belt. There are no gifts, belts are earned, never given.


What to expect on Grading Day

It is important that you arrive with your Junior Dragon 15minutes before the grading is scheduled to begin. This will give them plenty of time to register for the grading, locate a seat with you and your family and friends to watch, prepare their gear and hydrate.


What if I can't make it to the Grading

If you are unable to attend the grading day, please notify your instructor as soon as possible. There are a couple of different options:

  1. Liaise with your instructor to see if there is another grading on a different date in another area, which you could travel to.
  2. Book a Private Grading after the Official Grading Date. Your instructor will organise a Senior Black Belt to run a grading for you and organise partners for you to test with, outside of class time. Private gradings incur a double price levy!
  3. Wait until the next Official Grading Day. Those people who miss a grading may also need to retest for their tags to ensure that they know the relevant requirements and possible new material used through a rotating curriculum.

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